Posted by: JennyRain | November 19, 2009

The Greatest Commandment: Sue Moye

Guest Blogger, Sue Moye

Women’s Ministry Director at McLean Bible Church

Sue is a frequent speaker and has faithfully served women in ministry for years. She also comes from a long heritage of women serving other women. Sue’s devotional today is such a wonderful picture of who she is… a woman who loves God and others from the depths of her heart.

The Greatest Commandment

Matthew 22:34-40
Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

“Her recipe for Godliness”

That was the topic I was asked to speak on at a going away party for a woman who had faithfully served MBC for twelve years. As I pondered what creative words I might say, I realized that some recipes cannot be improved upon and that the secret is simply in doing the basics well.

What I knew was this, my life has been forever changed as a result of watching this friend live out the two greatest commandments.

My friend is in love with Jesus Christ and wakes up each morning to spend time alone with Him. For her, “loving the Lord your God” is not a ritual, or methodology, it is eagerness to be in His presence. As a result, she always offers the freshest of spiritual ingredients to those of us around her because she gathers them daily.

Another characteristic of her loving God is her constant testimony to God’s goodness.

My friend knows hard places in life, yet she consistently chooses to see evidence of God’s faithfulness and celebrate it. Her gratitude is contagious and it causes those of us around her to get our eyes off of ourselves and on to the God we love.

As I interviewed the women touched by my dear friend’s ministry, they each echoed the same theme. They felt like they were uniquely special to her. She listened to, prayed for, and rejoiced in the journeys of each of “her girls.”

Loving her neighbor didn’t stop with those she knew.

Like the “tomb of the unknown soldier” at Arlington Cemetery, this servant of God had a constant eye open for the “unknown woman” at church.

My friend lived in anticipation of what God was going to do in the life of new women attending our church. She worked to with the team to remove every barrier possible for women who showed any interest in the women’s conference.

The greatest commandment invites you to fall in love.

We can all understand the ingredients and steps, but until you see the real thing, smell the aroma, taste the goodness, and crave more, do you become committed.

I pray that you have, or will find your own living demonstration of this truth, and be drawn to experiencing it for yourself.



  1. […] Thursday: Sue Moye: Women’s Ministry Director at McLean Bible Church […]

  2. this was so good, sue. my heart needs to get back to the basics — loving God and loving people. why do i make things so complicated?!

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